A brief drama, brought about by the liking – and then strenuous disliking – of a sandwich.

There is wailing. There is screaming. There are time outs. And then, there is the explaining.

“You know, Daddy, Mommy was being really nice to me, and we were just talking about this nicely, then you came in here and started this big argument!”


“But it was mostly Mommy’s fault, because she was being mean and not listening to me!”


The sobbing ramps up dramatically.

“It was all my fault! I’m so sorry!”

[It's OK, sweetie, I forgive you.]

“Well, try not to! Because I did it all on purpose!”

[Hugs and temporary calming down.]

“Mommy, I really did do it all on purpose. It was all my fault, and I’m so very sorry!”

[It's OK, honey.]

“But it was you and Daddy’s fault, too.”

[sad trombone]

It must kinda suck to be five.

One Comment  to  A brief drama, brought about by the liking – and then strenuous disliking – of a sandwich.

  1. Rachel says:

    There’s a kind of abstract flow to the experience he seems to be conveying, trying perceptions on for size. Could be a useful skill as he gets older.